Today, although we see the political presence of women in various executive and managerial levels of the country, but this presence is very low.

The political rights of women in any society are a sign of civilization and human development. Today, although we see the political presence of women in various executive and managerial levels of the country, but this presence is very low. Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.” The Charter of Iranian Citizenship also emphasizes the role of the people in the public administration of the country and their involvement in direct or indirect decision-making, but in the case of women, despite the achievements and initiatives of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, there are shortcomings. This is due to a kind of gap in the text of the law and the use of concepts and words that lead to different interpretations. The principle of political equality and women’s participation is one of the common political, human and social rights between men and women, which is accepted by Islam and correctly in the principles of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to this principle, it can be said that all political positions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, with the exception of the leader who leaves for a specific reason, can be held by women. Hoping for more success of the country’s women’s community.


Exclusive memo: Mahdi zarei

  • نویسنده : 1001